PFLAG Denver

A nonprofit organization

Support for PFLAG Denver and its Scholarship Fund is a powerful, transformative way to stand up in support of the LGBTQ+ community as an ally and a friend. By meeting people where they are and collaborating with others, PFLAG Denver realizes its vision through:

  1. Support for families, allies, and people who are LGBTQIA+
  2. Education for ourselves and others about the unique issues and challenges facing people who are LGBTQIA+
  3. Advocacy in our communities to change attitudes and create policies and laws that achieve full equality for people who are LGBTQIA+

PFLAG Denver was founded in 1980 when several parents whose children had come out to them as gay or lesbian and met to share their concerns. Thirty two years later we have been a constant in the community and successful in achieving its mission by the dramatic improvement in societal attitudes toward and understanding of LGBTQ+ people.

Giving Activity


The mission of PFLAG Denver is to create a caring, just, and more affirming world for LGBTQIA+ people and those who love them. Together, we envision an equitable, inclusive world where every LGBTQIA+ person is safe, celebrated, empowered, and loved

Background Statement

Formed in 1980, our PFLAG Denver chapter has served the Denver Metro Area for over 43 years. We offer twice-monthly support group sessions, in-person and online. We are active in the local community, speaking at local organizations and events, and providing resources and materials to aligned groups. We sponsor conferences, educational series, and youth-centered events, and have awarded over $100K in scholarships to LGBTQ+ and allied youth for their secondary education. We are an all-volunteer 501(c)3 nonprofit organization and are not affiliated with any religious or political groups.

Organization Data


Organization name

PFLAG Denver

other names

Parents, Families & Friends of Lesbians and Gays of Denver

Year Established



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Organization Size

Small Organization


PO BOX 6448
Denver, CO 80206

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US



Social Media