Neighborhood Development Collaborative Inc

A nonprofit organization

$767 raised by 10 donors

8% complete

$10,000 Goal

We’re the Neighborhood Development Collaborative, a coalition of nonprofit and mission driven affordable housing organizations serving families across the housing spectrum - from unhoused Coloradans, to low-moderate income renters, to those looking to become homeowners. To prevent housing providers from working in silos, NDC facilitates collaboration, information sharing, and collective action across this continuum towards the end of increasing availability of and access to safe and affordable housing opportunities for all Coloradans. 

To achieve this goal, we:

  • Research, create, and advocate for innovative housing strategies; 

  • Hold governments accountable to ensure existing public programs truly make a difference; 

  • Directly coordinate programs for housing providers and their residents; 

  • Collect and analyze data to continually understand housing needs and barriers


To build thriving communities by connecting the voices and coordinating the efforts of NDC members working to create stable, secure, and affordable re-housing, rental, homeownership, and wealth-building opportunities for Coloradans; regardless of their race, class, and zipcode.

Background Statement

Our story began when a few local housing organizations banded together to create the Neighborhood Development Collaborative in 2009 in order to coordinate their work to combat the foreclosure crisis – successfully preserving 100s of homes. Since then, NDC has grown to a membership of 24 front-range organizations working together to create housing opportunities, combat displacement, and optimize positive socio-economic outcomes for families served. Collectively, NDC members have served over 60,000 households through direct housing placement, counseling, rent assistance, downpayment assistance, and other programs.

Organization Data


Organization name

Neighborhood Development Collaborative Inc

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Housing & Shelter

Organization Size

Medium Organization


1536 Wynkoop Street Suite 216
DENVER, CO 80202

Service areas

Adams County, CO, US

Jefferson County, CO, US

Arapahoe County, CO, US

Boulder County, CO, US

Denver, CO, US