Kim Robards Dance, Inc. -

A nonprofit organization

Kim Robards Dance represents and presents the highest quality modern dance programming and implements one of the state's most comprehensive educational outreach programs.


Jennifer Dunning of The New York Times, in February 2008, wrote, "...a strong sense of craft and an affinity for lyrical movement and big musical scores. That in and of itself qualifies for revolutionary status these days. So do the dignity and joy with which Ms. Robards' eight company members perform, and the pleasure Ms. Robards seems to take in dance without clumsily concocted themes and other gimmicks. True, the choreography does demand unremitting energy and athleticism from the performers, a staple in dance today. But Ms. Robards thinks in grander terms".

Former Governor Roy Romer stated during the Governor's Awards for Excellence in the Arts presentation to KRD, "Kim Robards Dance has been on the leading edge of dance innovation and collaboration, not only presenting high quality performances throughout the state, nation and world, but also conducting numerous school dance seminars dedicated to inspiring Colorado's youth to greater levels of individuality and competence."

"CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!!!! I cannot tell you how happy I am that you did not get criticized for beauty and joy of movement from a more "traditional" view. GOOD for you for staying true to who and what you are. Your work is beautiful for a reason. Because it is real, honest and unapologetic. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!"
Peter G. Kalivas, The PGK Project (A Contemporary Dance Company)


The mission of Kim Robards Dance (KRD) is to be a driving force that enriches lives through exceptional modern dance creation, performance and education.

Background Statement

Kim Robards Dance (KRD) was originally founded in 1987 as Colorado Repertory Dance Company (CRDC). In 1997 the organization changed the corporate name to better reflect the driving force behind the artistry and educational goals of the company, and to focus on presenting the choreographic works of Artistic Director and founder Kim Robards. Having award winning artistic work as a base, and having inextricably fused educational programming into our seasons since our inception, the Company has developed into one of the nation's top modern dance companies with a growing national and international reputation for excellence. Having received both the Mayor's and the Governor's Award for Excellence in the Arts, among other distinguished honors, KRD represents the best of its genre and speaks to the artistic quality which has grown out of Colorado's cultural milieu. KRD is a multi-generational company with professional dancers ranging in ages which span five decades. As we enter our 32nd Season, KRD is proud to have provided modern dance experiences to as many as 30,000 individuals each year from variegated backgrounds and spanning many generations.

Organization Data


Organization name

Kim Robards Dance, Inc. -

other names

KRD, Colorado Repertory Dance Company

Year Established



Arts, Culture & Humanities

Organization Size

Medium Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


1550 Dayton Street #70
Aurora, CO 80010

Service areas

Arapahoe County, CO, US





