JOY International

A nonprofit organization

JOY International is committed to a multi-faceted approach to fighting child trafficking. Your donations help rescue trafficked children, teens and young women from bondage, provide safe loving environments to survivors, and prevent trafficking through training and awareness programs.


As a result of JOY International's work, more than 2500 children, teens and young women have been set free.

Demand, poverty and lack of education are three of the driving forces behind the sexual exploitation of children around the world. We strive to educate vulnerable people groups about human trafficking by providing them with relevant information on trafficker's schemes, as well as provide education, food, clothing and shoes to help ease the burden of poverty on families around the world.

Currently, JOY International funds the education of 27 girls in Kasese, Uganda, empowering them to lead the lives God has for them. JOY International also steps in to fund specific needs in vulernable areas when tragedies strike. Traffickers will take advantage of crisis situations when families are especially desperate. We take away that desperation by meeting needs and standing beside them to the best of our ability.

The ultimate form of Prevention is the arrest, prosecution, conviction and imprisonment of the perpetrators, which includes the brothel owner, pimp or pedophile. This is why our police training and funding of rescue operations is crucial.

We actively work with like-minded organizations in the relevant geographic locations to rescue women and children from the commercial sex trade, freeing them from a life of slavery and bondage. We partner with the police, task forces, prosecutors and NGOs to find and rescue captive children throughout the world and bring their captors to justice.

Currently, JOY International's tactical team regularly trains anti-trafficking police teams in Southeast Asia and Central America. We then fund rescue operations executed by these teams.

JOY is committed to seeing those freed from the sex industry healed emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically. We partner with safe houses and rehabilitation professionals to ensure the safety and care for these precious women and children as they walk the road of healing. JOY International has very high standards for the restoration homes we send trafficking survivors to. These homes must meet the six healing criteria that JOY has set in place, having structures and programs that provide for the physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual, educational and vocational healing of each survivor. Each of these homes provides for these critical needs through counseling, school education for minors and specialized career training for adults. Our goal is to see each child and adult who survives the trafficking industry to be able to fully support themselves as adults, being equipped to provide for themselves and their families through legitimate jobs. We believe that adequately equipping survivors with necessary education and training to support themselves can help end the cycle of poverty that drives trafficking.

Our goal is to see each child and adult who survives the trafficking industry to be fully reintegrated back into their community and when possible, restored to their families. Reintegration can only take place when complete healing in safe homes happens first. Our safe homes work to educate and train survivors in relevant schooling and job placement courses, preparing them to integrate back into society as healthy, educated and trained adults when the time comes. Reintegration into families will only happen if the families can prove that they are willing and able to provide for the ongoing safety and care of the child, maintaining consistent contact with social workers to ensure the child's well-being.JOY also sponsors a number of young women's continuing education costs, providing them an opportunity to go to university. We believe that adequately equipping survivors with necessary education and training to support themselves can help end the cycle of poverty that drives trafficking.


JOY International is dedicated to the rescue, restoration and reintegration of children, teens and young women affected by trafficking and the prevention of child trafficking world wide.

Background Statement

JOY International was founded by Dr. Jeff Brodsky in 1981 in a quest to bring JOY to a broken world. As Dr. Brodsky travelled the world in search of "the least of these", he came to know the horrors of child sex trafficking and dedicated his life to setting these children free. In 2010, Dr. Brodsky made the commitment to walk barefoot in solidarity with impoverished and trafficked children and has not had so much as a sock on his foot since. Dr Brodsky, shares, "If my going barefoot will motivate at least one person to action in a way that will help us rescue even one more child, I'll go barefoot the rest of my life."

JOY International trains global police SWAT teams, airport teams and anti-trafficking task forces to fight child trafficking on the frontlines.

JOY International also funds rescue operations and partners with approved safe houses around the world to ensure that rescued children, teens and young women receive the healing and support they need to experience the lives God has for them.

As a result of JOY's work, more than 2,500 children, teens and young women have been set free.

Organization Data


Organization name

JOY International

Year Established



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Organization Size

Medium Organization


26697 Pleasant Park Rd Bldg B Suite 110
Conifer, CO 80433


PO Box 571
Conifer, CO 80433

Service areas

Jefferson County, CO, US




Social Media