We convene, connect, invest, and protect Jewish life in Colorado, Israel, and around the world.
JEWISHcolorado, part of the Jewish Federations of North America, strives to create a vibrant, secure, connected, and inclusive Jewish community. We stand together in shared purpose, guided by our Jewish values, connected to the people of Israel, and continuously working on behalf of the Jewish community through outreach, advocacy, programming, and grantmaking.
Make a $1,000+ pledge to JEWISHcolorado

Frequently Asked Questions
What is JEWISHcolorado?
JEWISHcolorado is the result of a merger of three historic Colorado organizations: Allied Jewish Federation of Colorado, the Colorado Agency for Jewish Education (CAJE), and the Jewish Community Foundation of Colorado. Their legacies live on in JEWISHcolorado’s three primary areas of work. Our programs transmit timeless knowledge, education, and values. Our grants infuse significant resources into the local, national, and global Jewish communities. And our Philanthropy Department stewards the community’s financial resources for today and tomorrow.
What does The Flagship Fund support?
Gifts to The Flagship Fund are undesignated - they are used immediately to support JEWISHcolorado’s annual operating needs. Your gift to The Flagship Fund supports the areas of greatest need including grantmaking, missions, community convenings, and infrastructure and readiness to respond in times of crisis and natural disasters.
How do I make a designated gift?
If you would like to support any of our programs, please select the program from the dropdown on the donation form.
How can I pay an existing pledge?
You can pay existing pledges here. Pledge payments do not count towards our Colorado Gives Day campaign.
How can I make a new pledge?
This year, we are accepting pledges for gifts $1,000 or greater. Pledges are payable by December 31, 2025. If you would like to give under $1,000 but want to pay in installments, please select the recurring gift option when making your gift online. The online giving form allows you to select the frequency and duration of your recurring gift. If you would like to make a gift under $1,000 at a later time, please notify Jason Oruch, Director of Campaign Operations & Digital Philanthropy, joruch@jewishcolorado.org
Leadership Giving Levels
Leadership giving demonstrates a high level of commitment to Jewish life here in Colorado, Israel, and around the globe. We are grateful to our leadership donors whose annual cumulative support of $1,000 or more during JEWISHcolorado’s July 1 to June 30 fiscal year.
Leadership Societies
Major Donor: $10,000 or more
Women’s Philanthropy Lion of Judah: $5,000 or more
Women’s Philanthropy Pomegranate Society: $1,800- $4,999
Young Adult Ben Gurion Society: $1,000 or more
If you have questions about JEWISHcolorado or Colorado Gives Day, please contact Jason Oruch, Director of Director of Campaign Operations & Digital Philanthropy, joruch@jewishcolorado.org