Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
420 Riddle DrFort Collins, CO 80521
IDEA WILD works to minimize loss of biodiversity by empowering people on the front lines of conservation. We donate gear to researchers and educators in the global south to help them pursue their conservation research and educational projects. Help today by investing in the efforts of the heroes and sheroes of the planet. 100% of your donation goes directly to our project recipients. To view the list of over 8,000 projects we've funded in the last 30 years, visit our website here.
It is with immense gratitude and a heart brimming with joy that I pen down these words today. I wish to extend my deepest appreciation to you and the entire management team at IDEA Wild for accepting my proposal and providing me with invaluable equipment support. With the highest honour and humility, I express my profound thanks to this renowned organization that has bestowed upon me this tremendous opportunity.
I must admit that this marks a significant milestone in my life. Being part of IDEA Wild's mission to support young citizens engaged in conservation and advocacy is a privilege and a profound honour. Your organization's commitment to nurturing the dreams and aspirations of individuals like myself is a testament to the positive impact it has on the world.
~Basu Dev Powrel, Bhutan
The binoculars and GPS that Idea Wild provided were immensely useful for researching Cambodia’s endangered Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris). The equipment was used during boat surveys that were conducted to understand Irrawaddy dolphin seasonality, distribution and critical habitats in Kep and Kampot, coastal Cambodia.
~Sarah Tubbs, Cambodia
I wanna say thank you! Your inspiration and empowering made me, investigate more and come up with findings having effective and sustainable solution to human and environment interaction. Your precious collaboration will make my current project and future career more responsible in areas of natural resource management (wild life protection, biodiversity…)
I lack words to thank your organizational effort, for the future world you are dreaming!
~Tekalign Tafese Gebretsadik, Ethiopia
This is to express all my gratitude for your help in my research project. It is certainly admirable all your work and enormous contribution to wildlife conservation worldwide. Countless are the projects that have been materialized thanks to your help and that have resulted in significant efforts to promote the conservation of many species and in the education of many people. These are goals that should be of the highest priority in the world we live in today. Thank you for that. You'll be hearing about my progress with my work, hoping it to be one of those that make significant contributions to wildlife preservation.
~Gustavo Castro, Costa Rica
Good morning to the entire IDEA WILD team. Your email which confirms the validation of my application for your research equipment grant currently finds me at the summit of the three basins of biodiversity and tropical forest ecosystems which is held in Congo Brazzaville, and reinforces my research ambition for this noble cause.
I therefore come with this email to express my gratitude to you and confirm the acceptance of the two pieces of equipment offered.
~Alex Bruno Dong Etchiké, Cameroon
Just to thank you and to show how important your support is to me. I am sending the pictures of our team working and using the portable inhalator anesthesia equipment, and thanks to this equipment supported by IDEA WILD, we can perform smooth, safe and quick recovery anesthesia for anteaters and armadillos captured in the wild!!!!
~Danilo Kluyber and Giant Armadillo Project Team, Brazil
I have to thank you for your unconditional support, for me it was really important, and I will, I want to tell you that few weeks ago I finished my research project and in the thesis defense I received a meritorious grade, but even more important is that officials of National Parks of Colombia have recognized the importance and scope of my work and they are going to take it into account for the development of the new management plan for the NNP Tama, which is significant because it allows to obtain the effective conservation actions of the biodiversity of the protected area, that not only benefit the spectacled bear, but overall the fauna and flora of the area.
~Carlos Herney Cáceres Martínez, Colombia
Biodiversity is the foundation of human existence and has provided humankind with health ecosystems, food, fiber, pharmaceuticals, pollination and peace of mind for thousands of years. Planet earth is now experiencing a loss of biodiversity, IDEA WILD seeks to minimize this loss. To do this, IDEA WILD works to equip, empower and activate the world's most promising environmental leaders to grow and strengthen the movement to conserve the planet's biodiversity. Our collective future depends on it.
IDEA WILD originally initiated equipment grants for conservation relief efforts in Mexico, Central America, Colombia, and Venezuela. Subsequently, IDEA WILD expanded its scope to include the Caribbean, Madagascar, Southeast Asia and numerous countries throughout Africa and South America. Since its inception in 1991, IDEA WILD has successfully supported over 8,100 conservation projects in over 140 countries. Because recipients pass on their equipment to at least three other conservation efforts, it is estimated that IDEA WILD has effectively served over 24,000 conservation projects around the globe.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
420 Riddle DrAO