Caring Coloradans like YOU have created a legacy of nearly 50 years of providing warm and safe homes, caring medical attention, and a network of support for children and families.
It’s likely that a child you know is behind in a key growth stage. 1 in 6 children are. If that child has a disability, you can almost guarantee they are behind.
Early Intervention is free speech, occupational, and physical therapy for children 0-3. It supports them in meeting important stages in development. The State of Colorado recently recognized Horizons therapists’ exceptional work in writing high-quality, personalized learning plans. As the only free option in NW Colorado, you are a critical part of helping local kids. By donating to Early Intervention today…

When that child reaches adulthood, many are tragically abandoned by their family. Here in Colorado, about 14% of our homeless population have some form of Intellectual Developmental Disability (IDD). Safe housing isn’t the only problem. 25-50% are not receiving adequate medical attention. 20-40% don’t have access to the medicine they need. Living in a rural area, you know there are fewer resources here and the outlook is even more grim.
Horizons Adult Program serves adults (18+) with IDD by providing safe and stable housing, reliable medical care, employment support, and equitable access to the community. By supporting the Adult Program today…

Your generosity preserves their dignity and autonomy. With no other service options in our rural community, your gift provides assurance of quality care to parents and families of those in service. As one parent reflected, “I have long-term peace of mind for my family member thanks to Horizons.”
Your kindness today provides peace for family members. Your compassion is a warm bed and a steady helping hand. Your action is the difference between a child being told they can’t and proving that they can. Your gift is a legacy of 50 years…and counting. Thank you.