Holistic Homestead

A nonprofit organization

40% complete

$10,000 Goal

The Holistic Homestead is a 501c3 dedicated to improving health and wellness through education, outreach and advocacy. Since 2013 we have been increasing health literacy, building healthy communities, and advocating for the medically underserved in rural Colorado. 

Our programs deliver our mission to the community by making healthy food accessible and affordable! The Gilpin County Farmers Market, Community Food Share, Pay-What-You-Can Farm-to-Table Cafe, and Free Produce Pantry connect farmers with the community, uplifting the health and prosperity of everyone! 

Learn more at http://theholistichomestead.org


Our mission is to improve health and wellness through education, outreach, and advocacy through improving health literacy, building healthy communities, and advocating for the medically underserved in rural Colorado.

Background Statement

The Holistic Homestead started in 2013 when founder Arwen Ek recognized a need in her community for greater access to affordable, holistic health care. She started publishing health and wellness articles in the local papers and hosting monthly "Tea Parties" to educate and empower people to take charge of their health through lifestyle improvements and simple, natural remedies.

In 2016, the Holistic Homestead incorporated and in 2017 received 501c3 status.

In 2017 The Holistic Homestead surveyed the community to understand what the greatest needs were for improving health and wellness and 90% of respondents voted for a grocery store - access to fresh, nutritious food is the foundation of a healthy life!

In 2018 we started the Community Food Share and the Gilpin County Farmers Market, and in 2020 we opened our brick-and-mortar Market and Cafe, now open to the public six days a week.

Organization Data


Organization name

Holistic Homestead

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Health Care, Food, Agriculture & Nutrition, Education, Mental Health & Crisis Intervention, Public & Societal Benefit

Organization Size

Small Organization


PO BOX 3193

Service areas

Black Hawk, CO, US

Central City, CO, US

Rollinsville, CO, US, 80474

Nederland, CO, US, 80466

Golden, CO, US