Haat Force South Metro Inc

A nonprofit organization

$11,001 raised by 50 donors

73% complete

$15,000 Goal

In 2010, a group of individuals concerned about homelessness in the South Metro Denver area started to brainstorm about what they could do to address the issue. Soon they convened a large gathering of representatives from local government agencies, nonprofits and faith communities to identify what services were currently being provided and what the gaps were. Severe weather shelter was identified as the most pressing need.

In the same year, in response to that meeting, HAAT Force - Homelessness Awareness and Action Task Force - was founded by Peter Reif, a member of St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch and Rev. Cammie Houpt, a Deacon at St. Timothy's Episcopal Church in Centennial. HAAT Force's founding mission was to provide life-sustaining severe weather motel vouchers to people experiencing homelessness in the South Metro Denver area. A Board of Directors was formed, in addition to a partnership with Giving Heart, a non-profit in Englewood. HAAT Force obtained its 501c3 status in 2012. Peter Reif passed away shortly after that, and Rev. Houpt continued her leadership of our organization until her retirement in 2020.

In 2020-2021, the all-volunteer Board of Directors managed HAAT Force's operations. We organized and managed a continuous shelter program in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, in addition to a medical motel voucher program. We expanded our scope to include referrals to resource navigators and Case Managers. In 2021, HAAT Force hired Sienna McGrath as the Executive Director.

 Through our partners, we also offer our guests resources such as nutritious food, Resource Navigation and Case Management.

HAAT Force provides motel vouchers during severe weather from October through April annually to the following people experiencing homelessness: 

  • Families with children 18 years of age and under;
  • People with physical disabilities and/or medical issues;
  • People with pets or service animals;
  • Pregnant people;
  • People who are transgender or gender nonconforming;
  • People recently released from the hospital in need of a place to recover;
  • Vulnerable older adults;
  • People who are unhoused.

Our severe weather criteria is:

  • 32 degrees and lower and wet;
  • 20 degrees and lower

Giving Activity


To aggressively address the needs of people experiencing homelessness in the South Metro Denver area and provide life-saving assistance in a collaborative response to homelessness.

Background Statement

Homelessness in the South Metro Denver area is a serious growing concern and a life-threatening issue. Since 2010, HAAT Force has provided life-sustaining compassion and assistance to marginalized, disenfranchised and vulnerable people in our community. We contribute to broader solutions that address homelessness.

Organization Data


Organization name

Haat Force South Metro Inc

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Housing & Shelter

Organization Size

Small Organization


4300 S. Lincoln St.
Englewood, CO 80113


Spirit of Hope United Methodist Church 4300 S. Lincoln St.
Englewood, CO 80113

Service areas

Arapahoe County, CO, US


720 761 2109

Social Media