Global Hope, Inc.

A nonprofit organization

$6,038 raised by 29 donors

1% complete

$500,000 Goal

Global Hope provides care for orphaned and vulnerable children through partnerships in Romania, Kenya, and India. We believe every child should have the opportunity to thrive so Global Hope provides loving homes, excellent education and holistic support in the communities we serve.


In 2003, I went on my first mission trip with Global Hope. Prior to this trip, I had heard the good things Global Hope was doing in the lives of abandoned children in Romania. I also heard how impactful a mission trip was on others who had gone before me. My first trip was to Romania and it was in deed life changing. We had a team of 12 people (I believe) and it was a very bonding experience to travel that far and serve. We spent each day with the children in the Global Hope home who were orphans. We also visited government run facilities and spent time with the children there. In the 1990s, the conditions for children were abhorrent and it even made international news. Although the conditions in 2003 were improved, it was still heart breaking to see some of the children still abandoned to the government facility.

This first mission trip in 2003 had a major impact on my life and created a calling in me to serve and to help children. I joined the board in 2007ish and led teams to Kenya and to India. Today, Global Hope is impacting the lives of about 500 children in Romania, Kenya and India. We continually send mission teams, with most from Colorado, to serve which in turn impacts their lives. This leads many to a life of service not only to the children in Romania, Kenya and India but to their local Colorado community as well. - Scott French

I had the opportunity to see these lovely children in pictures in a display that
Global Hope had set up in our church Narthex. At that point I was looking at
these darling faces of smiling children from Nairobi who where orphans, some of
them HIV positive and orphaned and had been through all kinds of trauma. I saw a
little girl named Carol and I thought oh, that's my first name--Carol. I read her bio
and she loved to sing and dance and instantly I felt a connection as a music
teacher and so I thought, ok Carol, I will be your godparent and send that monthly
financial contribution.
A little later I had an opportunity to to be part of a mission team to Kenya-to the
orphanage HOREC where Carol lived and also to visit Spring Valley Christian
school to be able once again to sing and dance and play through music-the
medium of music with these beautiful children at HOREC and Spring Valley. -
Carol Lynette McKinney


Global Hope provides care for orphaned and vulnerable children through global partnerships.

Background Statement

The mission of Global Hope began in Romania in 1996 when Randy Jessen, a Methodist pastor, and his wife, Sue, led a group of volunteers to Romania to hold orphaned babies. They had heard about the conditions of the communist-era orphanages, and the need for people to simply lovingly hold the babies living in the orphanages. When they arrived, it was worse than they imagined; they were confronted with malnourished, under-stimulated infants who had learned not to cry even when they were hungry.

Randy and Sue were deeply touched by these babies and felt called to take action. These babies needed a real homeā€¦ a real family. Thus, as a result of this heartbreaking, and certainly life changing experience, Randy and Sue created Global Hope.

Global Hope built its first children's home in Arad, Romania in 1999.

Since our launch in 1996, we have expanded and are now in Kenya and India. We impact over 500 children across 8 unique mission locations.

We also recently received 28 children from a Ukrainian orphanage who fled Ukraine in March 2022 to our mission location in Romania.

Global Hope's theme for 2022 is "It's all about home", because that perfectly describes our mission. Every child should have a safe, loving and caring home with the opportunity to thrive.

Organization Data


Organization name

Global Hope, Inc.

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, International, Foreign Affairs & National Security, Housing & Shelter

Organization Size

Medium Organization


P.O. Box 1052
Broomfield, CO 80020

Service areas

Broomfield County, CO, US






Social Media