The Fund for a Healthier Colorado

A nonprofit organization

The Fund for a Healthier Colorado is a nonprofit that develops policy solutions that decision-makers can use to improve the physical, mental, and social health of all Coloradans. We believe everyone should have a fair shot at living a healthy life, and we are here to make sure your voice is at the table when elected officials make decisions about your well-being. Your health doesn't exist in a silo; therefore, we champion a broad scope of issues. We work on all the aspects of your life that can make you healthier, including quality, affordable healthcare; access to mental health support; early childhood care; safe and affordable housing; criminal justice reform; and other economic and educational opportunities.

Your investment today will directly power Healthier Colorado's 2024 advocacy efforts to fight for children's mental health, affordable child care, access to oral health care, and economic stability for families. Specifically, we are raising funds to: 

  1. Protect kids from the public health threats of social media; 
  2. Give more working families access to affordable, quality child care; 
  3. Explore opportunities for a Colorado university or community college to expand oral health programs; and
  4. Connect more Coloradans with meaningful jobs by removing barriers that prevent them from working.

We cannot accomplish this without the support and donations from supporters like you. Your gift today not only powers our mission but allows us to make change happen in spaces where health is not a priority. Your tax-deductible donation will ensure we have the resources we need to advocate for a Healthier Colorado. Give this Colorado Gives Day!


The Fund for a Healthier Colorado is a non-profit, non-partisan organization that seeks to advance policy that improves the health of our state's residents. We believe that every Coloradan should have a fair chance at living a healthy life. We engage Coloradans to create a path forward to this goal and educate our state's decision-makers about action needed to improve our health.

The Fund for a Healthier Colorado is committed to working towards a healthier future for all of our state's residents. Our three focus areas include mental health, physical health, and social health.

Background Statement

The Fund for a Healthier Colorado is the sister organization of Healthier Colorado, which was created by the Colorado Health Foundation and officially launched in 2014. We work in partnership with other health advocates around the state to improve the health of Coloradans via public policy.

Organization Data


Organization name

The Fund for a Healthier Colorado

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Health Care

Organization Size

Medium Organization


303 East 17th Avenue Suite 405
Denver, CO 80203

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US





Social Media