Full Circle Restorative Justice

A nonprofit organization

$6,746 raised by 41 donors

100% complete

$5,000 Goal

We believe that when young people commit crimes if they're given the opportunity to accept responsibility for their actions and are given a way to repair the harm done they are very likely to heal the mindset that fostered the decision making leading to their current situation. Importantly, this includes healing the harm done to themselves. 

This not only cuts down on crime in the short and long term it also holds positive economic impacts in our communities, and immeasurable qualitative impacts on that individual, their quality of life and the positive social contributions they are able to make to the communities they live in.


Restorative justice participants' recidivism rates were low, with only 8.2% of youth re-offending either during or in the one year after participation in restorative justice. This is compared to 31.5% recidivism rates when prosecuted through the judicial system.
Survey results highlight program effectiveness:
•91% of victim respondents surveyed (101 responses) from 2014 to May 2019 indicated they strongly agree or agree that the restorative justice process met their needs in response to the case.
•92% of offender respondents surveyed (74 responses) from 2014 to May 2019, indicated they strongly agree or agree that there were able to repair the harm caused to the victim.


Repairing, rebuilding and strengthening the communities of Central Colorado through restorative practices that build hope and connection.

Strengthening and restoring our community - one connection at a time.

FCRJ Vision:

We live in a safe community where people are compassionate, respectful, open and responsible to and for one another.

FCRJ is used in the courts, schools and communities of Central Colorado to prevent and resolve conflict.

Background Statement

Victim's rights, offender accountability, and community safety are valued and surveyed throughout the Full Circle Restorative Justices processes. During a time of zero-tolerance school policies and the school-to-prison pipeline there is an increasing rate of juvenile incarceration and recidivism. Full Circle Restorative Justice offers a viable alternative through programs that significantly reduces recidivism, and positively impact community relationships, while preventing youths from becoming an unfortunate number in the statistics of the juvenile justice system.

Organization Data


Organization name

Full Circle Restorative Justice

other names

FCRJ, Full Circle Restorative Justice

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy

Organization Size

Small Organization


448 E. 1st Street Suite 133
Salida, CO 81201


448 E. 1st Street Suite 133
Salida, CO 81201


PO Box 603
Salida, CO 81201

Service areas

Chaffee County, CO, US

