Fostering Love Rescues

A nonprofit organization

$862 raised by 17 donors

1% complete

$60,000 Goal


Fostering Love Rescues brings love into the world by connecting humans with animals and by showing people how to care for each other with an emphasis on empathy!

Our family began with two equines, Ricky and Sofia. We soon became aware of Max, who came to us shortly before our taking on of 3 fosters that would become permanent residents in 2022! This crew is considered our Original Residents! 

Following a move and expansion to Larkspur, CO we became aware of 2 horses in need of immediate sanctuary! Rico and Banilla joined the family permanently in late April of 2023!

Soon after, a canine with many failed attempts at suburban living came to us with the hopes that a farm lifestyle would help her gain confidence with people and other animals. After 3 short months, Summit, the chocolate lab, celebrated her first birthday with an adoption to the sanctuary as she overcame her fears with flying colors! 

Following our grand re-opening in August 2023, our family grew even more, capping our intake and providing support to more animals than ever before! 

4 city slicker goats, and four foster equines have taken residency as of October 2023!

FLR Original ResidentsBanilla and RicoSummitSteamboat, Gunny, Ned, and FriscoFOSTER- MinnieFOSTER- ZohanFOSTER- Angel (mom)FOSTER- Rain (daughter)

Giving Activity


OUR MISSION is to cultivate and foster empathy by connecting humankind with animals, inspiring and uplifting others through compassionate acts, and creating a more humane world.


We believe that no animal should endure a life of pain, suffering, abandonment, or neglect. We promote an animal-friendly approach to life and work to inspire a more compassionate lifestyle through exposure and outreach programs.

Background Statement

We established ourselves in Colorado as a nonprofit animal rescue in 2019, and received 501(c)(3) status in 2020. Soon following, we brought on our first two horses, providing medical attention and sanctuary in golden years of equines that had been in the foster care rotation.

Not only did we learn more from our horses than we ever thought possible, their stories became our first true icons of affection and love breaking chains that fear had created.

As more have trickle in, and as time has passed we have experienced joyous days, days of laughter, play and change.

We have had our share of tough seasons, make it a priority to stay purposeful in staying grateful of small victories. Each day we are reminded of how animals have already brought together complete strangers and made an everlasting bond of family, empathy, and fostering love that rescues all.

Organization Data


Organization name

Fostering Love Rescues

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Small Organization


8655 Arabian Run
Franktown, CO 80116

Service areas

Douglas County, CO, US



Main Number




Social Media