Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
6160 S Syracuse Way Suite 150Greenwood Village, CO 80111
Arapahoe County, CO, US
Endow calls women together to study the important documents of the Catholic church, especially the writings of Pope St John Paul II on the dignity of women. The Endow program responds to our culture's desperate need for an authentic feminine presence in every aspect of life and society.
• Endow has been such a great nourishment to my faith formation and has offered me a place to reach out to other women to encourage their knowledge of the richness of our Church teachings and hopefully strengthen their relationship with our Lord and God.
• Again, please accept my gratitude for all the Endow Team is contributing to our communities and lives. I long for the day we hear women say, "I have a place in the Church and I know exactly what it is!"
• The Endow mission is right up my alley and I am so happy to see how well you all are spreading the word and giving women an opportunity to learn and engage with the intellectual aspects of our faith.
• I'm done being a Cafeteria Catholic.
• I am so thankful for Endow and pass it on to all my friends, including Protestant women like myself (although I am converting to Catholicism because of the depth and richness I have missed for years in the Catholic community.) Thank you Endow crew!!
• "There is a sharing that is going on among all of us that goes beyond the material at hand… it has been the catalyst that has helped to open our hearts to one another while discovering new information and healing by embracing our dignity as women. Our Lady's Grace is upon us, preparing us to reach out to more women in need of this knowledge and healing… I feel it."
• It was suggested to a young woman by a mutual friend that she should join my Endow study group. As we welcomed her, I had no idea that she was thinking of leaving the Catholic Church. This was to be her final attempt to hold onto her Catholic faith. Over time, and as we read the study guides and learned together, this young woman had all of her questions answered. She is today a fervent and faithful Catholic! Thank you Endow! And God be praised!
Endow (Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women) is a Catholic apostolate for women. We call women together to study the important documents of the church. Through Endow groups, women encounter their identity as daughters of God, enabling them to grow in their faith and ultimately discover their mission in life.
Endow was founded in 2003 when three women - Betsy Considine, Marilyn Coors and Terry Polakovic - encountered the writings of Pope St. John Paul II on the new feminism. They quickly realized the impact of these life-changing truths and wanted all woman to learn them too. With the help of Archbishop Charles Chaput, Archbishop Jose Gomez and renowned Catholic scholar Sr. Prudence Allen R.S.M., they began writing study guides for use in small groups. These study guides have enabled our participants - wives, mothers, single and consecrated women - to encounter the beauty and depth of the Church's teachings on womanhood. From its humble beginnings as a lunch-time conversation in Denver, Endow has grown into an international apostolate reaching close to 50,000 women all over the world.
Organization name
Tax id (EIN)
Organization Size
Medium Organization
6160 S Syracuse Way Suite 150Arapahoe County, CO, US