Danger Aware is a nonprofit for the prevention of abuse by educating through Play and Entertainment. With offices in Fresno California, we have established Danger Aware as a growing charity to help the young and vulnerable learn personal rights and safety methods from games, comics, books, contests and more and now we want to establish offices in Colorado as well.
We need to hire programmers, writers, artists, animators and more to create new and exciting games that will also teach the skills needed to survive the tactics for abuse that exist in our world.
Through free online games anyone can learn to recognize tactics used by those who would prey on their ignorance.
No lecturing, no preaching or warnings, simply games and entertainment that expose the same methods used online, in person and remotely to prepare innocents for abuse.
Our contests are open to anyone, and can be about abuse awareness, or not. The purposes of the contests are to introduce people to the Danger Aware website and get them interested in the other services we provide.
We need to educate the young and vulnerable because they are not being properly educated through the current methods, which is why abuse touches 70% of humanity.The easiest way to educate is to make it fun and entertaining. To make educational material fun and entertaining, we must hire talented and imaginative people. Talent and imagination which will lead to skills and abilities that are generally well compensated in the profit based sector.