Conservation Lands Foundation

A nonprofit organization

0% complete

$10,000 Goal



This year, a critical goal for CLF is to establish the Dolores River Canyon National Monument in Colorado. Your gift will help propel a powerful and diverse group of supporters of this campaign including Indigenous communities, businesses, farmers, ranchers, elected officials, and recreationists who all love this wild and rugged corner of the state. In fact, 84% of Coloradans support a national monument for the Dolores.

Protect nature by donating today!

Giving Activity


As the only nonprofit in the country solely dedicated to protecting the National Conservation Lands, our mission is to protect, restore and expand the National Conservation Lands through education, advocacy and partnerships.

Background Statement

Though less well-known and more remote than other popular public lands, National Conservation Lands represent our nation’s natural, cultural and outdoor heritage and help drive its $887 billion outdoor recreation economy that directly supports 7.6 million American jobs.

You can hike, hunt, fish, camp and bring your dog on National Conservation Lands.

They are managed by the the largest caretaker of public lands in America, Bureau of Land Management, and include:

-National Monuments and National Conservation Areas

-Wilderness and Wilderness Study Areas

-Wild and Scenic Rivers

-National Scenic and Historic Trails

-Cooperative management and protection areas, outstanding natural area and forest reserves

We acknowledge that the land on which our home office is located and where members of our staff live and execute our business is the original land of the Utes–Nuuchiu–the longest continuous residents of Colorado.

Organization Data


Organization name

Conservation Lands Foundation

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Large Organization


835 E 2ND AVE STE 314

Service areas