We appreciate native plants by learning their language. Our work inspires and educates. Our programs make a real difference to our native habitats on-the-ground, in the legislative environment, and in our home gardens.
Our members do the real work. Thank you to every person who supported native plants with their participation, leadership, volunteerism, and activism.
Our donors make it all possible. Membership dollars and donations support our efforts to run programming all over the state, affecting conservation, science, restoration and recreation in our native habitats.
We are 62% towards our $20,000 fundraising goal. Please consider a gift to support native plants before the year is through!
Thank you!
Today is Colorado Gives Day!
Who will speak for native plants, if not us?
All across the state, dedicated people like you are sharing their knowledge of native plants through volunteerism and participation in Colorado Native Plant Society programming. New chapters are germinating in Gunnison and Telluride in 2025. Our southeast chapter is reaching all the way to the Comanche region in southeast Colorado. We protect our future by investing in Colorado’s native plants and habitats. Join us now! Your support helps us expand our reach to help people learn Colorado’s native plants and rewild their home landscapes to support our partners in survival, the native plants and animals with whom we share our home.
In the last five years, our chapters have hosted over 650 native plants hikes, talks, gardening events, seed collections, research, and rare plant monitoring efforts all across Colorado. We engaged over 11,000 people in these efforts. We afforded grant funds to dozens of students, researchers, and community members. We provided expert commentary and supported legislation that supports native plants and habitats.
Your financial support helps us fight for those who can not fight for themselves - our native plants and habitats. Your financial support helps people contribute to a resilient environment through thoughtful civic, landscaping, and recreational habits that support native flora and fauna.
Let’s start a wave of generosity! Make your donation today and join the many Coloradoans who have already contributed to support the native plants and habitats of Colorado.
Colorado Native Plant Society members have offered a $1000 matching grant. Your donation will be matched dollar for dollar today! If every CoNPS member gave just $1, we would triple this match!
Whether your contribution is financial or through volunteerism, please know that none of our work to protect Colorado native plants would be possible without you! Our eight chapters across the state are run by dedicated volunteers who serve their communities and our Colorado habitats through education, stewardship, and conservation efforts.
Over the past year, your membership dollars and donations have helped us expand welcome a new chapter, the Arkansas River Valley chapter, as well as grow two more chapters forming in 2025. Through our 2024 programming, we reached over 3000 people, studied landscapes in nearly every county of Colorado, put two rare plants back on the map through monitoring efforts, and collected a range of native seeds for public lands restoration efforts.
This December, we hope you’ll join us in building stronger communities and more resilient habitats across Colorado. Please consider making a tax-deductible gift to Colorado Native Plant Society to help us grow our mission in communities throughout the state.
Every dollar counts! Make your donation today and join the many CoNPS members who have already contributed to make this match possible.

Native plants - the lifeblood of Colorado’s ecosystems! Where would we be without them? They give us clean air, clean water, habitat for wildlife and pollinators, and beauty for our wild spaces at home and on the trail. Your donation helps us to preserve and restore our precious land, and to educate the public and our legislators about their importance.
Sow the seeds of change and donate today for a better tomorrow! Thank you!
Check out our upcoming events