Many children of Clear Creek County live in low income, transient households and have parents or caregivers who work long hours away from home in the gaming, mining and construction industries. In April of 1999, the need for a youth outreach program was identified by the families and community leaders of Clear Creek County. A year long process, involving fifteen churches, the Department of Human Services and Clear Creek Department of Health, led to the doors of the Rock House Teen Center opening in September of 2000. We are implementing the best and most promising practices of youth outreach, collaborating with city and county organizations to meet the needs of teens in Clear Creek County.
"You have given me the greatest gift anyone could give me - the gift to see a new life." Clear Creek Rock House mentee
"Many of the young people in our county do not have a traditional home environment. The young people who have mentors from the Rock House tend to be more grounded regarding problem solving, making positive choices, envisioning their future and recognizing the importance of being a citizen in one's community. The tutoring services at the Rock House are beyond important to our county and our school district." Daniel Winkler MA, Special Education Teacher, Clear Creek High School