Center for Work Education and Employment

A nonprofit organization

Who is CWEE?

CWEE is based in Denver and is the leading workforce development and anti-poverty agency in Colorado. For over 40 years, CWEE has fostered personal and professional transformation for low-income families through confidence building, customized skills training, and career advancement. 

Charitable gifts of all sizes provide essential resources for our participants and expanded career services. Your support makes a tremendous difference in our transformative work. 


“Working with CWEE gave me a whole new perspective and motivation. 
I am now really excited to see what the future holds and how far I can advance.” 
- Caressa

"By the time I finished the program completely, I felt accomplished 
like I was ready to start not only a job, but a career." 
- Emily

“CWEE made it possible for me to connect with internships, including one with the State of Colorado. CWEE made sure I had the proper supports in place – such as reliable childcare and transportation  so I could get the most out of my experience. A couple weeks into my internship, a position was created for me and I was hired as an Administrative Assistant. Since then, I have had 5 promotions.” 
- Alicia

Will you consider making a gift in support of CWEE's programs and participants? 

Your gift of: 

- $40 Provides up to four months of at-home internet service for a family.

- $140 Provides 47 career seekers with access to a typing certification.

- $240 Provides more than 20 families with support for basic needs like diapers, wipes, formula, and hygiene products.

- $540 Provides access to all GED tests for a career seeker to earn their high school equivalency. 

- $2,540 Provides 15 laptops for 15 CWEE families enabling them to participate in virtual training, education, and employment support while building job skills.



CWEE fosters personal and professional transformation for low-income families through confidence building, customized skills training, and career advancement.

Background Statement

Established in 1982, the Center for Work Education and Employment (CWEE) supports low-income career seekers, most of them single parents (78%), to train for and launch careers so they can support their families and achieve their personal and professional goals.

This year, CWEE will help more than 1,000 low-income workers take the next economic step toward education, vocational training, or stable employment. These workers and career seekers reduce public assistance costs and generate millions of dollars in wages annually, fueling the Denver Metro economy.

By providing skills training, family support, and comprehensive career advancement services, CWEE's program builds a strong workforce and healthy communities.

Over four decades, CWEE has developed an employment training curriculum, network of support services, and strategic partnerships that enables low-income career seekers to overcome barriers, build confidence, find a supportive community, and succeed in long-term employment.

CWEE’s approach to workforce development seeks to ensure that workers at lower rungs of the economic ladder can reskill, upskill, and next-skill to find a fulfilling career, support their families, and contribute to the community. CWEE's core program includes three phases: digital literacy, empowerment/soft skills, and career readiness, followed by education and/or employment services pathways. These core phases build the employment skill-set necessary to thrive in today's workforce.

Throughout its 40 years, CWEE has impacted the community by assisting more than 18,000 families to break the cycle of poverty. In FY23, CWEE graduates earned over $5 million in wages. Despite our continuing struggling economy due to the COVID-19 pandemic, 210 CWEE participants gained employment with a 100% retention rate at the 30-day mark. In addition to providing our participants with career guidance and support, CWEE is known for its holistic wraparound services; this past year, CWEE connected 1,176 low-income families to vital resources.

Organization Data


Organization name

Center for Work Education and Employment

other names

Center for Work Education and Employment, CWEE, Colorado Womens Employment and Education

Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Employment, Education, Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization

Colorado State Tax Credits

Colorado Enterprise Zone Credit


1175 Osage Street Suite 300
Denver, CO 80204

Service areas

Denver County, CO, US

Arapahoe County, CO, US



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