This year BeyondHome focus is on CONGRUENCY, CONNECTION, and COMMUNITY as we seek to make bigger impact. We have worked hard to ensure congruency between departments as we have emphasized connection and community building as we combat housing insecurity in Colorado. Your financial gifts provide resources to best equip BeyondHome families to become SELF-SUFFICIENT FOR LIFE! We tackle generational poverty by ensuring that 80% of our funding goes to programming. Investing in BeyondHome's transitional housing program gives access to case management, counseling, group night classes, a food bank & diaper pantry, a youth program & a supportive community! Join us as we empower families to reach Self-Sufficiency for life.
In 2023, gifts to BeyondHome that cumulatively total $100 or more qualify for the HCTC 25% tax credit! Don't miss this incredible opportunity to participate in the TRANSFORMATION of working families who have experienced or who are on the verge of experiencing homelessness.