Autism Society of Boulder County

A nonprofit organization

$4,343 raised by 36 donors

87% complete

$5,000 Goal

The Autism Society of Boulder County improves the lives of Autistic people and their families by providing advocacy, inclusive community programming and support groups at little or no cost to participants. Join us!


"Six years ago when my son was diagnosed with ASD, my life was turned around. I emailed ASBC for support with this life changing diagnosis and the president at the time emailed me back. She took my hand and walked me through some of the most challenging acute struggles. Then she introduced me to the ASBC secretary at the time whose daughter was the same age as my son. J... got me involved with volunteering for the group. I started with administrative assistant duties, then fund raising, then to facilitating a support group. ASBC has empowered me to become more active in creating a life around my son's autism as opposed to his autism being our life. Without ASBC's support and sense of community, my son's diagnosis would have made our lives a lonely place. Signed AF"


The Autism Society of Boulder County (ASBC) creates connections, empowering everyone in the Autism community with the resources needed to live fully. We exist to serve our local Autism community through advocacy, community programming, and by creating a more inclusive world.

Background Statement

The Autism Society of Boulder County (ASBC) started in 2004 as a parent support group and evolved into a local chapter of the national Autism Society supporting Boulder and Broomfield Counties. It is a charitable 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that relies on donations and fundraising to finance our community programs.

Organization Data


Organization name

Autism Society of Boulder County

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)



Human Services, Civil Rights, Social Action & Advocacy, Education, Diseases, Disorders & Medical Disciplines

Organization Size

Small Organization


1905 15th Street, #4909
Boulder, CO 80306

Service areas

Boulder County, CO, US



Social Media