Asian Pacific Development Center of Colorado

A nonprofit organization

9% complete

$5,000 Goal

We advance the well-being of the Asian American Pacific Islander communities by providing culturally appropriate and integrated medical, behavioral, and related services.


To advance the well-being of the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities of Colorado by providing culturally appropriate and integrated behavioral, medical and related services.

Background Statement

In 1980, a group of community leaders recognized the unmet needs of incoming refugees from Southeast Asia. They mobilized Colorado's Asian-American community to create Asian Pacific Development Center (APDC). APDC successfully tackled the mental health issues facing the Asian refugee population, becoming the only organization in the state to provide culturally specific and congruent services for and staffed by Asians who are bilingual and bicultural. 35 years later, we continue to be the sole leader in advancing the well-being of Asian communities and have expanded services to meet the different needs of our clients.

Organization Data


Organization name

Asian Pacific Development Center of Colorado

other names


Year Established



Human Services

Organization Size

Large Organization


1537 Alton Sreet
Aurora, CO 80010

Service areas

Arapahoe County, CO, US



Social Media