Friends of the Yampa

A nonprofit organization

$15,866 raised by 124 donors

63% complete

$25,000 Goal

Support Friends of the Yampa! We are working to protect the river and it's tributaries to inspire respect for a healthy system with a vision of achieving national recognition of the Yampa River as a model of a healthy river that achieves harmony between human use and the environment


Today, the Yampa River and its tributaries remain a model of a healthy river system, not only in Northwest Colorado but in the entire Colorado River Basin and the Western U.S. In a world where most rivers have been dammed, diverted and dewatered, the Yampa River still remains intact, supporting a diverse riverine and terrestrial environment while allowing for multiple recreational and consumptive uses.

Due to the fact that there are very small reservoirs in its headwaters and a lack of major diversions taking water out of the system, the Yampa River remains the wildest river in the entire Colorado River System. Some say it's the last free-flowing river in the Colorado River System. Even with small reservoirs and diversions, the Yampa River retains a natural hydrograph that mimics what it was before humans entered Northwest Colorado. The river still annually floods its banks, scours its cobble and creates habitats that support endangered habitats and species. This is rare in today's world and thus motivates the Friends of the Yampa to work hard at keeping the Yampa wild as threats to the river persist.


To protect and enhance the environmental and recreational integrity of the Yampa River and its tributaries, through stewardship, advocacy, education and partnerships

Background Statement

Established in 1981, we have a long-standing history of working to develop wide support for a healthy Yampa River that supports a vibrant, diverse economy and is accessible for all to enjoy. In 2010, FOTY filed for nonprofit status.

Friends of the Yampa participates in local and state water policy; forges partnerships with land and water related organizations; designs, implements and supports recreational and river restoration features on the Yampa River; educates the public on the importance of the river; organizes several river cleanups per year; and brings together people who can help protect this amazing natural resource. Your donation will go entirely to projects dedicated to protecting and enhancing the Yampa River. To learn more about Friends of the Yampa, please visit:

Organization Data


Organization name

Friends of the Yampa

other names


Year Established


Tax id (EIN)




Organization Size

Medium Organization


743 Oak Street Steamboat Springs
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487


PO Box 771654 Steamboat Springs
Steamboat Springs, CO 80477

Service areas

Routt County, CO, US

Moffat County, CO, US





Social Media