Friends of YVSC Monthly Giving Campaign

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Yampa Valley Sustainability Council

Sign up for a monthly gift today!


raised by 21 people

Sign up for a monthly donation to help us plant the seeds of sustainability throughout the Yampa Valley and bring our community together to reduce our collective carbon footprint.

4 reasons you should support YVSC with a monthly gift:

1. It's automatic and affordable, and you're in control. You can change your gift amount or stop your gift at any time.

2. For YVSC, a small contribution makes a BIG difference--especially when it's Friends like you!

3. Your monthly gift provides consistent, dependable revenue for YVSC programs like ReTree, Energy, Waste Diversion, the Community Recycling Drop-Off, our annual Garden Tour and so much more.

4. Because you love the Yampa Valley and you want to keep our water clean, our air pure, our snow deep and light, and our forests a place we can all go for peace and solitude.

Don't wait! Please join Friends of YVSC and help preserve what YOU love about the Yampa Valley.

A little can go a long way! Sign up now and start investing in a sustainable Yampa Valley.

$10/month - 10 songs on iTunes OR you can provide an energy efficiency training for homeowners.

$15/month - 2 drinks on a Friday night OR you can support a Talking Green event, educating adults on topics from A(quaponics) to Z(ero Waste).

$20/month - 2 movie tickets for two OR you can reduce waste at one community event.

Sign-up is easy and secure.

1. At the top of the YVSC Colorado Gives donation form, fill in your monthly donation amount and click on "Recurring" under Donation Type.

2. Complete the recurring donation details and other donation details.

3. Add your donation to your cart and check out to process your gift.

4. You'll receive an emailed donation receipt for tax purposes from Colorado Gives.

5. Sit back and feel good about the fact that you are sustaining YVSC's mission--and our environment--all year long.

*The minimum gift through is $10. If you would like to donate less than $10/month, please call 970.871.9299 or email to make other arrangements for your recurring gift. Any amount helps!

Thank you for your support!

This fundraiser supports

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Yampa Valley Sustainability Council

Organized By Yampa Valley Sustainability Council Sustainability Council

Giving Activity


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